
Our blueprint for better work

Ordering a pizza is more transparent than applying to a job

Ordering a pizza is more transparent than applying to a job

It's Friday, you've been through a tough week. You open your delivery app of choice, spend 5 minutes and $20 maybe ordering a pizza to sit back and relax. Seconds after you've hit order, a notification pops up "A human being has seen your order". An hour later, you can forget about the entire interaction. Yet, you've grown to expect this level of transparency and get angry if that pizza is late or cold.

The layoffs are a precursor to a new layout

The layoffs are a precursor to a new layout

You are sitting at your desk, your throat clenched. You heard the rumours, and you can't help but wonder if your phone is going to buzz at the same time as half of your team's will. You may be thinking about the bathroom renovation you've been planning. The Aspen ski break you feel like you deserve. Which you do. You think of the cheers you received from your friends when you got your shiny new job. You wonder about the career trajectory you envisioned on your first day.

Meaningful work matters

Meaningful work matters

For the past couple of years, I’ve been collecting experiences and ideas regarding what makes work meaningful. It’s not an easy nut to crack, but there are a few solid hints out there if you listen carefully.

Moonka.space is built on the simple idea that a working relationship is just as much an opportunity for the employer as it is for the candidate. Once you integrate this concept into your thinking process, it changes your perspective.